In the manner of a scribe, and with an eye toward recording some ephemeral knowledge, I offer this oblique perspective on history and culture. It has been a long-held intention of mine to commit these memories to print and, as the years turn, I can think of no better time.
I hasten to begin.
I do not overly exalt accomplished and celebrated individuals, yet I do find many of them to be quite interesting and remarkable. Herewith, I neither intend to aggrandize nor to expose or topple. In the same sense, I do not wish to make myself seem more important for having encountered these people who are considered to be very important. Nor do I flatter or humble myself out of obsequiousness.
I like them when they are likable, I observe them closely, and I report here as honestly as possible.
I really do believe in a basic God-given equality of human beings. If a famous person acts superior to those around them in an unjustified or distasteful way, they tend to lose my esteem. If, on the other hand, I see a very talented and recognized individual acting warmly and humanly toward others, they go up in my opinion.
For more than forty years, I have lived on both coasts, usually around Universities, and in reach of major urban areas. I have also worked in the book and record trades as both publisher and seller, and I have just generally been a gadfly for readings and performances by many authors, thinkers, artists, and musicians, and sundry other well-known figures. And I'm known to be quite observant--sometimes, you just run into these people.
In the 80s I staffed the counter at City Lights Books at Columbus and Broadway, a vantage point that artists and celebrities roam past regularly. More recently, I was the night manager at a classical record shop with its own cafe. With a major performance space across the street, it was a place of frequent high brow sightings as well as a few of the more populist variety.
I am rarely very bashful about talking to the illustrious should the opportunity arise. After meeting the most awe-inspiring hero of my youth and realizing that, yes, even Bob Dylan is actually just another person like everybody else, I am never really over-awed by meeting anyone.
I show love when I feel it. It's theirs if they want it. And if they don't, I'm not crushed.
St Ronan
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